Remember that American Idol styled singing competition “Happy Boy” I mentioned in my past post?  It is now finally over last Friday evening, after a heated summer.

So now we have China’s favourite male singer: Chen Chusheng!  Let me now show you what kind of man wins most hearts in today’s China (no, not Bruce Lee.. )

(Won the final award with 3.3 million text message votes!) 

 And this is what it is going to be like in your “regional Fan’s meeting event” if you are China’s number one Happy Boy to-be:


Why is he popular?  Many reasons:

1. he is a bit older (26) then the other final “happy boys” – experience is always respected in Confusionism, so looks like we are still quite confucious-like!  Or maybe just because there are more middle-aged people voting by their mobile text messages..

2. he always looked calm and peaceful, rather than looking competitive and eager to win – This is why I like him too!  In Chinese, we say: Lift up the heavy as if it is light. (Ju Zhong Ruo Qing)  That is what he is like.  He’s been singing in a pub in Southern China for many years, so I guess he’s not that desperate for the audience’s approval, which made him looked not that bothered most of the time.

3. he’s got small eyes..

4. he plays guitar..and his songs are sad sad sad..

and that, it seems, is what Chinese love in a male singer!

To have a taste of his music (one of his most popular songs in the competition this summer) click here: The Original Me

Let me know what you think about him…xx